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Testimonials and Feedbacks about Deep Zen Services
Whether it is practicing freediving or meditation that we met, i sincerely wish it has been a great and intense moment for you. Thank you very much to all those of you who expressed it so nicely.
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I met Kosho on the island of the Big Blue, Amorgos in 2017 where he did a great job filming the Aughentic Big Blue Freediving competition underwater! We had a great time and he had great advice to offer on Freediving and life in general. He also helped me with my Freediving training In the summer of 2018 in Dahab resulting in a new personal best after many years of 83 meters ! I couldn’t have done it without him! Strongly recommend you visit him and train on the Legendary Deep Zen Buoy!
Tony H. - GREECE
Ciao Loïc ti scrivo in italiano perché il mio inglese è abbastanza orribile.... ho avuto la fortuna di conoscerti in Egitto quando, presso il Freediving World sono venuto per provare qualche tuffo in assetto costante. È stata veramente una bellissima esperienza perché sei stato molto professionale nel seguirmi durante i tuffi. Purtroppo solo dopo aver passato qualche ora in acqua ho capito che sei anche un monaco e pratichi apnea anche sotto questo punto di vista. Questo particolare credo sia veramente importante e mi dispiace il fatto di non averlo saputo prima perché magari mi sarei organizzato per impostare un allenamento un po’ più serio e specifico. Ma ti ringrazio comunque tanto per la tua disponibilità, professionalità e gentilezza nei modi che ti sei posto nei miei confronti, dicendomi che non avevi problemi di tempo in quanto eri lì al mio fianco per la mia sicurezza e mi potevo prendere tutto il tempo che volevo per rilassarmi e godermi la mia apnea. Infine ho fatto anche il mio personal Best e a tua vista molto semplicemente... grazie infinite, spero di rincontrarti e magari fare qualche altro tuffo insieme.... ciao 😉💪
Antonio D. - ITALY
Loïc, you’ve been amazing for every single dive I have done with you in Egypt. I felt very safe in your presence. Thanks for everything !!! Arnaud Jerald
Arnaud J. - FRANCE
Writing a bookchapter on the egyptian God of Water Sobeq the Crocodile has been no easy task. After spending my youth at the egyptology library I knew only one thing: the ancient egyptians had an initiation to dive with crocodiles. But why would they do that? What did it have to do with spiritual development? Only one person could answer - Loic The Deepest Monk @deepzenfreediving. A swiss buddhist monk who left the monastery to become a freediver. So I left the library & flew to Sinai. Learning to freedive with Loic has been such a profound initiation!!! Several years of coaching&therapy compressed in a day - i’m still on a high 😊 Thank you Loic for answering all my questions so patiently! If ever life brings you to Sharm el Sheikh do find The Deepest Monk 🌟And also let‘s support him at the worldchampionships in September he‘ll be representing Switzerland 🌈 Special thank you to Hira for helping me make this happen ❤️
I met loic in sharm during my training for deep equalization. It was a pleasure with him. In the water I felt always safe and comfortable with him as my safety. Out of the water I learned a Lot and we had a lot of fun. During the Meditation Sessions with loic I calm down very fast and I learned a Lot for my future program before, during and after my dives. Thanks a lot Mr. Monk, and See you soon!
Bjorn S. - GERMANY
Une fenêtre sur un nouveau monde
Instructeur de plongée bouteille, j'ai rencontré Loïc au détour d'un voyage à Bali où j'avais prévu de rester au sec. L'envie d'aller sous l'eau étant la plus forte et voulant m'essayer à l'apnée, j'ai eu le plaisir de le rencontrer pour passer le niveau 2 AIDA en début 2018. Ce que j'ai apprécié avec Loïc c'est qu'il vous mets en confiance pour vous dépasser. Son gabarit joue pas mal en sa faveur pour ça et son état d'esprit n'y est pas pour rien non plus. La sécurité passe avant tout, tant dans les conseils en amont de la pratique que dans les sessions d'immersion. C'est très (très) appréciable. Et puis, on se marre bien avec Loïc. C'est pour ça qu'au détour d'un voyage en Egypte fin 2019, je l'ai rejoins à Sharm pour passer le N3 AIDA. L'égalisation n'a pas été une partie de plaisir pour moi mais il a su trouver au fil des cours des trucs et astuces pour que ça le fasse. Et si vous avez d'ajouter un peu de spiritualité à votre freedive où si vous avez envie de découvrir une autre vision de la vie, Zemonk est indéniablement une des personnes à rencontrer dans votre vie. Quant à moi, je n’ai qu’un hâte, le retrouver pour une grosse session de freedive mêlée à la découverte du Zen.
Julien M. - FRANCE
There are no metrics or analytics where the spiritual path is concerned.
One cannot hope to judge "success" by distance travelled, depths attained or time devoted.
However, our conditioned mind perceives thus and, through it, we have manifested a hierarchical matrix for us to judgementally, inter relate. "Success", therefore, is the "positive" judgement of one over another, demarcated within these bounds.
The sport of "freediving" is, ostensibly concerned with metrics: How deep? How long?
It is consumed by an obsessive mentality where people often perish in pursuit of beating self, and other.
However, if there exists an activity to alchemise the thinking mind into the awareness of Being, then it is this.
And this is what the *art* of freediving will teach you:
The existence of an inter-relationship between you and yourself, magnified and intensified by fear.
An opportunity to observe oneself to realise the self-imposition of limitation (fear) is the bastard son of the thinking mind.
To, ultimately transcend the thinking mind, dissolve self-created and sustained fear and integrate "you" and "yourself", into Being.
From here, to dissolve with the water, the depth, the breath into pure awareness, beyond time and space.
Freediving: a living and breathing metaphor to dive deeper, beyond the superficial.
Simon T. - UK
Out of comfort zone into the deep
I had a great experience with Kosho supporting me on my first freediving experience, because he managed to support me out of my comfort zone into the great depths of Sharm. Even though I was unsure of my abilities, he showed me a few exercises that allowed me to hold my breath for 3:26. I only believed it after seeing the stopwatch! In the water he reassured me to relax while holding my breath under water. Practicing zen and freediving together was a great combo to get to know the great freedom that can be found in the outer and inner depths. If you look to explore something new as a beginner in freediving, Kosho is a good place to start!
J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer Loic Vuillemin alors que je terminais mon niveau 4 aida international. Bloquée par mon niveau mediocre en statique j'ai trouvé avec Loïc la ressource zen qu'il me fallait.
Bienveillance et encouragements pour bien démarrer et conseils techniques adaptés m'ont permis de finaliser ma formation.
Enfin la rescue à 15 m avec 1 palme de ce géant des mers m'a relancé sur la voie de la confiance !
En conclusion : merci Loïc au plaisir de partager tes succès, sans nul doute :
- le monitorat d'apnée pour la jeunesse (parfait pour toi !)
- etc ...
Virginie F. - FRANCE
I’ve made three online sessions with Loic, dealing with breathing exercises and breath-holding.
This contact came in a very special moment in my life in which I’m changing directions and maturing in several aspects. The things which I’ve learned from him and his guidance have been crucial at this point. To get in touch with my body and breathing, to be able to be conscious of my heart-beat, have given me direct information about what I’m doing with my life, what has to be changed, how do I have to treat myself.
Now I’m convinced that the discipline of breath holding is very important for all human beings, not only freedivers. The depths of a breath hold is a very sacred and intimate place where we are completely alone. Besides, the training of respiratory muscles, the lungs and the ability to sustain large breath-holds are very beneficial to physical and psychic health. I have a brand new perspective on what it means to be healthy and which are the capabilities of my mind and body. These are the basics requirements to do what I want to do in my life. Regarding concrete results, after a few weeks of training I was able to sustain a breath hold for more than 4 minutes, and my respiratory system got much more flexible and open.
Loic is a really empathic person and very gifted instructor, with a very pragmatic approach, and he was able to conduct the sessions in perfect Spanish.
Nicolas N.. - ARGENTINA
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