Dry Equalization Clinic
You still struggle with some forms of equalisation ? You surf youtube watching various videos and still can't achieve the necessary moves to reach deeper depths ? You eventually assume you are different and unfortunately can't do it ?
Before you get totally desperate, consider offering yourself the opportunity to study carefully your ways to equalise with a real pro. In about 3 hours of one-on-one meeting, we can have you understand and apply the right technics using different tools on dry land. To make it right, at least 2 of these tools must be in your hands while going for the one-on-one session : an otovent-like device with some ballooons and ideally a bubble tower device.
It is only when you really understand what and how to do without critical stress factors, on dry land, that you can eventually assume being able to replicate the skills head down, underwater, freediving.
Simply said, if you can't equalise underwater, you're good for the Dry Equalisation Clinic.
Plan to go through 3 sessions of about an hour each. These can be followed straightforward, which will take around half a day, or in 3 separate appointments.
1 - Make sure you have the required equipment
2 - Book your DEC appointment
3 - Contact me for availability