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Freediving Training Sessions

Train your freediving skills with Kosho Loïc Vuillemin at your side

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Deep Zen proposes the services of the monk Kosho Loïc Vuillemin and assistants for specific coaching or safety buddying. 

Experienced in following and assisting not only students but also athletes in their training, Kosho has the eye to see where improvements can be implemented. Compassion, support and positive empowerment are the great match to an harmonious way of training. No push, no hassle, just the best of yourself. 

Using Kosho Loïc Vuillemin's help, your dives will not only become deeper and safer but also more integrated into your lifestyle.

Kosho Loic Vuillemin smiles

"I can help you evolve with your freediving style. Not everybody is meant to have fun or to find their own way doing competitions; your objectives may be completely different. These training sessions are meant to have you integrate all needed skills for comfortable dives up to 50m and beyond. Understand these sessions are training ones and not courses: use them to integrate your level until you feel ready for the next one and let yourself be guided or advised if necessary."

training chart for freedivers who want to follow aida freediving courses

Training is essential...

You can't really think you're automatically gonna jump from one level to another one without dedicating to practice... even if you're a natural born freediver. By practice one must understand training. Hours in the water are important for you to get used to repetition, exercices, fine tuning of you style or fixing aspects of your freediving skills. You may be a natural born freediver, yet to become a freediver that everyone can trust is a long way.


Training is essential and is the safest if not the only way to progress.​​

Contact Kosho and check for availability...

Contact Kosho Loic Vuillemin Deep Zen Meditation and Freediving using whatsapp
schedule of the day at Deep Zen Meditation and Freediving



Training sessions is a raw service that does not includes individual equipment, nor any previous preparation on dry land. You come with your equipment, get dressed and jump in the water with maximum 2 other buddies (3 divers max). Safety diving and setup is provided by Kosho Loïc Vuillemin, so everyone can really relax and focus on his/her training. Maximum depth available (depending currents) is 52m. We stay in the water a maximum of 1h30.

Those who follow courses or do half or full day session arrive at 9h00. Time to do a fast briefing, answer theory questions or highlight a subject and we start with some breathing and stretching exercices until 10am or a little more.

Those who come only for the training session arrive at 10h30, time at which we all get in our wetsuits. We want to be in the water before 11h00, exiting it at maximum 12h30. Schedule is sometimes submitted to change, of course...

Usually, the morning, obviously depending on the level of the trainees, we go to the deep line which features a maximum depth of 52m (depending currents)



Since in between session meals are really not the thing for freedivers, we eventually just have a drink and prepare to go back. For afternoon session, we generally want to be in the water by 14h00 maximum. The afternoon session is different and is generally meant for those who already did the morning one. On the morning, we spotted skills that could use improvements and so we'll naturally dedicate the afternoon session to fix issues, work on solutions and practice exercices. For that, we then prefer to go work on the 22m line to extract exactly what needs to be fixed.


Shortly: Morning is for performance, afternoon is for work out and exercices.



You wonder how much a training session, half a day or a full day costs?


- be at least AIDA 2 or equivalent (please make sur to be able to show your certification) 
- accept to go through a skills check at limited depth during 1rst session
- bring your own equipment, no rental available
- be able to join a group and follow all safety guidelines
- join at least for 3 sessions over a week

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