Loïc Vuillemin, soul adventurer from early childhood, became the monk Kosho in 1997 at age 20. Since that day, zen practice and bodymind study became his main if not only focus. Serious and integer disciple, Kosho dedicated first to academic studies of science in Geneva before to pursue his education with zen master Kosen Roshi. Together with the community, they founded Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple in the south of France, back in 2008. Kosho stayed in charge of the temple until 2017.... time at which he decided to leave with his family for worldwide peregrinations.
In 2014, after receiving the Dharma transmission from master Kosen, Loïc discovers freediving courses. Impressed by the knowledge of freedivers about breath, self control and healthy lifestyle, he decides to follow the full education program of Aida International and to become himself a freediving instructor. He will be certified as such by Steven Keenan in January 2017.
Freedive Instructor Trainer
The first idea behind becoming a freedive instructor was to teach the monks and nuns of the community to regain vitality in their practice and life. It is only when Kosho left the temple with his family that the question of making of his freediving certifications a real job appeared. He first worked a couple of months for Yoram Zekri in Bali and later on for Andrea Zuccari, then for Marco Nones before to decide to act as an independant instructor in Fanar Beach, Sharm el Sheikh and worldwide during travels (Switzerland mostly)
To widen his offer, Loïc decided to get certified also PADI freediver instructor. The courses he gives are inclusive of all aspects of known methods and are meant to make you discover and improve your freediving skills in a safe and holistic way. In 2020, he is certified master instructor by AIDA international.
Loïc has been certified AIDA Master Instructor in 2020 and Instructor Trainer in 2022.
Check AIDA International website (Instructor):

Professional Safety Freediver
Loïc has always been naturally drawn to safety, rescue and first aid. Young teen, he was participating to safety courses in pools, red cross education and kept refreshing and updating his knowledge until now. In charge of the full safety and risk assessments of Yujo Nyusanji Temple during almost 10 years, he makes a point out of insuring greatest safety standards in all the activities he proposes.
As a freediver, Loïc has been part of Steven Keenan and Pascal Berger deep VWT adventure crew, worked as safety freediver in Andrea Zuccari's center and has been certified Pro Safety Freediver by Marco Consentino (Vertical Blue Head Safety). He is also certified as EFR (Emergency First Responder) instructor. With Loïc, no doubts you are in safe hands.
Check AIDA International website (Judge):
PADI pro Check (EFR Instructor - 447183):

Zen Master
Loïc is the son of the zen master Vincent Keisen Vuillemin and Taoist Instructor Mireille Vuillemin. Therefore, the vision he has of zen and spirituality is nicely integrated into family and into the normal conditions of life.
At his young age, Loïc got introduced to master Kosen, holder of the transmission of Niwa Zenji and successor of Taisen Deshimaru Roshi. Their friendship and affection for each other grew fast and Loïc decided to receive the ordination. After his academic studies in Geneva, Kosen agreed to take him as secretary and prime disciple. They founded together, with the help of the community, the Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple in South of France. Kosho received the Dharma transmission in november 2013 from master Kosen and became this way the 84th patriarch of transmitted buddhism.
Visit Zen Deshimaru - Kosen Sangha website:

Competition Athlete
It is only in 2018, after participating to the "Authentic Big Blue" as underwater videographer, that Loïc decided to try himself at freediving competitions. Even if the first attempts were modest, he was very keen to perform at his best. When the new category of bifins (CWTB) was added in the rules, he then saw the opportunity of scoring his very first national record for Switzerland with a dive at 62m deep. Since then, taken into the flow of international competitions and with the strong wish to represent his spiritual beliefs, Loïc managed to become a recognised athlete, holder of many national records for Switzerland with dives below 90m and as a very serious overall freediver. He is the first Swiss to have reached 100m freediving without mechanical assistance.
Loïc enjoys the friendship of competitive freedivers and has good reviews from internationally known athletes also for his abilities of providing calm and safe freediving training contexts.
Check AIDA International website (Athletes):
Check my palmarès:

Handy Monk
Loïc is a heart full of interest for life and the world. Keen to learn new subjects and to get involved in alternative and revolutionary projects, he made himself some skills out of experience. Able to fix pretty much a lot of stuff at home, on the field or while in adventure, Loïc also likes to stay up to date with computer skills, websites and social networks.
Strong believer of the manifesto "if you fix it you own it", Loïc is very positive in his nature and definitely a strong asset at problem solving. Designed for independence and leadership, he loves challenges of all kinds and makes of success and transmission a real mission.
Drawn by the peacefulness of nature, his love for earth and oceans and his resonance with sentient beings, Loïc is also a natural healer and conscious life adviser.

Public Speaker
Loïc is really gifted at speaking in public. At ease with powerpoint slide shows and multimedia devices, his public talks are really alive and a very appreciated moment for all listeners and participants. If some jokes, crispy anecdotes and good laughs are often part of the show, he keep track of his subject for the complete appreciation of the audience.
He has given talks for associations, private companies, universities and open to public conferences in France, Canada, Switzerland, Holland, Indonesia and Egypt so far and also organised many workshops around the theme of meditation, breathwork and self improvement. Obviously, he also leads traditional buddhist retreats and ceremonies.
Since more recent times, Loïc has also developed a private online learning platform and offers the possibility for people to book online sessions.
Carismatic and entertaining, one can clearly see that this monk is happy to share his adventures and knowledge.
Check my Public Talks page:

Master of Science
Before to be pushed by his master to pursue Biology faculty, Loïc had studied a year at Medicine Academy and a year at Ethnobotanical Institute of Neuchâtel. Adapting fast to new technologies, he decides to do his master degree in plant biotechnology at the Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry of the University of Geneva. Appointed assistant and then FNRSS researcher, he started a phD about peroxydase biooengineering and designed practical courses for students about plant movements and bio informatics.
Burned out and under pressure, Loïc decided to interrupt his phD after a year and left the world of academic research. He remains reading scientific publications, keeps designing experimental protocols and watches to constantly update his knowledge about DNA and life in its own.
Master Degree publication:
An anionic class III peroxidase from zucchini may regulate hypocotyl elongation through its auxin oxidase activity
With distinction: best student on graduation palmares

Loïc is attracted by spirituality, chamanism and tribal rituals since early teenage and certainly did not miss his load of initiatic adventures while becoming an adult. Travels to the Himalayas in Nepal and to the deserts and sierras of Mexico, lonely retreats in the mountains of Switzerland and the discovery of dream practices maybe made of Loïc this very unusual monk he is today.
Mystic interested by siddhis and magic stories, Loïc as given lots of efforts into acquiring certain abilities through ancient practices such as kechari mudra and astral projection. Reader of tarot and able of chanelling providence, Loïc is definitly drawn to the arts of the subtle and to what stays invisible to mondane eyes.

Education History
GREEN FINS | Dive Tour Guide E-Course
CDWS | Dive Tour Guide, National Safety & Guidelines
AIDA | Instructor Trainer (IT) Promotion
AIDA | Master Trainer (MI) Promotion
AIDA | Youth Instructor Trainer (YIT) Promotion
AIDA | Youth Instructor
PADI | Freediving Instructor (Renée Blundon)
PADI | EFR Instructor (Renée Blundon)
PSF-VB | Pro Safety Freediver (Marco Consentino)
AIDA | Competition Judge (Pim Vermeulen)
AIDA | Instructor
PADI | Scuba Open Water & Advanced (Rodrigo Salsas)
ZEN-DESHIMARU | Shiho, Dharma transmission (Rev. Kosen Roshi)
University of Geneva | Master of Science (plant biotechnology)
ZEN-DESHIMARU | Unsui Refuge, Monk ordination (Rev. Kosen Roshi)
CESSOUEST | Highschool graduation (latin, greek)