Even if made in Switzerland, Loïc was born in United States, California, in the city of Berkley. His father, working as postgrade in particles physics research, had got a job there. It's only 5 years later that the family will make it back to Switzerland and live there steadily, in the surroundings of the city of Nyon.
Loïc grew up, a lot and fast, inside a family where competitive sport was not really more than TV entertainment. Feeling different from everything and everyone, suffering from it, he adopted pretty young already the wishes of Bodhisattvas and one year later took the form of a monk, setting the way he would accomplish himself in this life time.

The adventure had started and Loïc, newly the monk Kosho, got first refused as a close disciple by his master, Master Kosen, helder of the transmission of Masters Deshimaru and Niwa Zenji. The Master wanted him to study at university and not only base his life on the exclusive practice of zen.
So be it... so did he.
Six years later, dedicated to daily zazen practice and prompt to sesshins, he was professor assistent in the plant molecular biology department of the University of Geneva, designing ways of modifying DNA and that kind of stuff. The monk had fun sure, but there were no answers, nothing to really learn and master, nothing that was calling him in there. So at the beginning of his phD, facing to much negativity and stress in the laboratory, he abruptly interrupted his studies and researches and dedicated himself back to practice, loosing all his material comfort on the go.

He first left for Holland where he decided, with the advice and company of the nun and ascension catalyst Hira Hosen, to abandon again all belongings and to head to France where the core of Master Kosen's community was living. It was hard, they had no money nor home, the practice was intense.
After some time there, Kosen finally decide to take Loïc as close disciple and secretary of the community. The situation of the couple changes, it becomes less hard, they have a baby: a beautiful lady called Mahatma. In the same time, the community had finally got the possibility to own a land to build a temple.
The temple..... They were incredible years of greatfulness :)

Very fast, Loïc got in charge of a mountain of responsabilities and went to live with family on site... far from everything, without phone nor internet, in one of the last wild spots of south of France. Well again it was tough, for everybody and it still is, but how incredibly intense and awesome is that place.
please visit the website of the community i'm from: http://www.zen-deshimaru.com
It's only 5 or 6 years later that the authorities allowed them to open the temple to public. An enormous achievement. Loïc got certified master and the context of the entire spiritual journey changed. It always does anyway...

A year before that, his wife, strong of new professional achievements, invites the family for holidays... the first one since almost ever. That was in Thailand, Koh Tao, that the monk Kosho discovered that freediving could be teached and mostly learned. That totally made a shock to him, eventually a deep one. He totally needed it... lol

Motivated to study and to discover the achievements of freedivers, the family heads to Mexico where Loïc could make his first trials diving into the magnificent cenotes around Playa del Carmen and Tulum with Julien Borde AIDA instructor, achieving this way the level 2 stars of AIDA education. Hooked, he did the level 3 stars in Ibiza with Louisa Collyns just few months later and finally met his instructor, late Steven Keenan, in Dahab, who made of the monk Kosho a freedive instructor in early 2017.

Since freediving life has never been the same, the family left the temple and the tensions associated to it and decided to go back to the social world... if they ever knew what this is. The passion had the to become more than just that. It became a job and then, at present time, an incredible challenge and vision. The practice goes on and it's definitively shaping something new and awesome. Stay tuned...

The monk Kosho has organised and led many meditation retreats, introduction courses and workshops in various countries of the world and is known for his very hectic lifestyle. On the freediving side, he worked for Ocean Prana in Bali and for Andrea Zuccari in Sharm el Sheikh. He is also acting successfully as a freelance instructor, safety diver and coach in the countries he visits or live in.
Actually based in Egypt, the monk Kosho prepares himself for the World Championship of Freediving which will be held in Nice during september 2019.
To be continued...